1. Punctuality:

  • Log in a few minutes before the class starts to ensure you’re ready when the session begins.
  • Latecomers may disrupt the flow of the class, so please be on time.

2. Appropriate Attire:

  • Wear comfortable dance attire that allows you to move freely.
  • Ensure your clothing is appropriate for the style of dance being taught.

3. Clear Space:

  • Make sure you have a clear, safe space to dance in, free of obstacles or potential hazards.
  • Remove any items that could cause injury during movement.

4. Stable Internet Connection:

  • Ensure your internet connection is stable to avoid interruptions during the class.
  • Test your connection beforehand if possible.

5. Camera On:

  • Keep your camera on during the class so the instructor can see you and provide feedback.
  • Position your camera at an angle where your full body is visible.

6. Mute When Not Speaking:

  • Keep your microphone muted when not speaking to minimize background noise and distractions.
  • Unmute yourself only when you have a question or need to communicate with the instructor.

7. Follow the Instructor’s Lead:

  • Follow the instructor’s guidance and instructions closely.
  • Don’t attempt advanced moves unless instructed to do so.

8. No Recording:

  • Do not record the session without prior permission from the instructor.
  • Respect the privacy of all participants.

9. Ask Questions:

  • Feel free to ask questions if you need clarification on any moves or instructions.
  • Use the chat function or raise your hand if you’re unsure about something.